Whether an individual, team, or organization,
increase your value by developing the voice of a leader.

Liz Trocchio Smith

Liz Trocchio Smith
Certified Executive Business Coach
and Trusted Advisor

Monday Morning Coffee

Get “Monday Morning Coffee with Liz”
direct to your in-box every Monday Morning with tips on what it takes to be a great leader

Monday Morning Coffee

Dear College Graduate

Good morning.  Starting this 3rd Monday in June we are going to try something a little different to enhance your Monday Morning Coffee with Liz experience. You will still receive the same inbox email, but you will also have the ability to listen to MMC as well as view the video.  If how you are receiving MMC works for you, keep doing it, but if you’d like to change it…

Get Your Time Back by Getting Your Inbox Under Control

Email can be a black hole that swallows productivity, but a few changes to your inbox habits can help you take back your time. First, don’t let yourself check email more often than once per hour, and turn off any notifications that tempt you to. Most people don’t expect you to respond immediately, and doing so keeps you from concentrating on other tasks. Second, move emails out of your inbox…

3 Work Skills That Are Useful at Home, Too

Is your home life more chaotic than your work life? If so, you’re not alone, and some of the skills you use in your job can help. Planning and scheduling. Do you struggle to finish your personal to-do list? Block out time in your calendar for the things you need to get done (even mundane tasks like laundry and errands). You’ll feel more in control and more productive. Decision making….

Weave Learning into Your Everyday Work

We all need to keep learning new things to grow in our careers. But sometimes the urgency of our schedules gets in the way. To find time for learning, make it a part of your day-to-day tasks. One way to do this is to look for ways to pick up skills from those around you. Notice how your boss handles a negotiation; ask sales people about industry trends; get feedback…

Don’t Just Have a To-Do List — Timebox It

The only thing worse than having a long to-do list is not knowing how you’re going to get everything done. Timeboxing can help: It’s a way of converting your to-do list into blocks of time on your calendar, so you have a plan for what to do and when. Start by looking at your to-do list and figuring out each task’s deadlines. For example, if a promotional video has to…

Think of Delegating as a Chance to Teach Your Employees

For many managers, the hardest part of delegating is trusting that a task will be done well. But it becomes easier when you think of it as a chance to train your staff — not just get rid of some work. The next time you need to delegate something, start by determining who on your team is ready to handle more responsibility. Then create simple tasks to help them learn…

When You Want to Gossip About Someone at Work, Stop and Ask Yourself Why

We all get frustrated with colleagues from time to time. But complaining about a coworker behind their back can be destructive. It erodes trust on the team, risks hurting the person’s feelings, and makes you look bad. The next time you’re tempted to complain about someone, stop and ask yourself why. If it’s to justify your feelings or to confirm that you’re right, don’t do it. On the other hand,…

Ease Loneliness for Remote Workers

Remote work offers many benefits, but the lack of community can cause some workers to feel isolated and lonely. Harvard Business Review recommends if you manage remote employees, take these steps to combat loneliness on your team. Show recognition. Be proactive about celebrating people’s personal and professional wins. This could take the form of writing individual thank-you notes or scheduling team-wide employee-appreciation events. Fostering a culture of gratitude and appreciation…

Is Hiring A Career Coach the Right Move for You?

Have you ever wondered whether it’d be helpful to work with a career coach? Hiring one requires time and money, so it’s important to do your due diligence before making the investment. Here are 5 reasons you might consider hiring one. You don’t know what you want to do next. If you’re not sure what will bring you fulfillment, a coach can help you consider possibilities that are a departure…

April Fools’ Day!

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate April Fools’ Day? Its exact origin actually remains a mystery, however according to “Ask History” some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian Calendar as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. In the Julian Calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1. People…

To Improve Your Work-Life Balance, Change Your Mindset

It’s tempting to think the only way to get to the top is to work all the time. But you can be an effective leader and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It all starts with your mindset. Stop thinking of yourself as someone who’s willing to do whatever the job asks, and start thinking of yourself as someone who does great work and also has a life outside of it….

The Solution to a Tough Problem Isn’t to Overthink It

We all like to consider ourselves smart, but raw intelligence isn’t everything. When we get stuck on a problem, sometimes it’s because we’re overthinking it. Pay attention to when focused thinking isn’t getting you anywhere; perhaps it has turned into obsessing over the same answers or approaches. Consider whether experimenting with a new strategy or talking ideas through with others might be more likely to result in success. Take breaks…