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increase your value by developing the voice of a leader.

Liz Trocchio Smith

Liz Trocchio Smith
Certified Executive Business Coach
and Trusted Advisor

Monday Morning Coffee

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Monday Morning Coffee

How to Keep Mental Fatigue at Bay

Mental heavy lifting can affect your health as much as physical labor. As your brain tires, it becomes less efficient, and the longer you work without rest, the harder tasks feel and the more difficult it becomes to stay focused. Here are three ways to delay or reduce mental fatigue during the day so you’re more productive. Take frequent breaks. Stretch, walk around the block, or even take a brief…

In Hectic Times Use Habits to Stay Grounded

When your life is disrupted by a big life event — a job change, a baby, a relative’s illness — how do you maintain your focus and well-being? Add some stability to an unstable time by making sure you have habits that align with your long-term goals. Think about the five to 10 things you need to do every week to keep your life on track, and write a list…

Talk to Yourself With Compassion

Are you your own worst critic? Welcome to the club. When we feel anxious or frustrated, so many of us talk to ourselves more harshly than we’d ever talk to our friends or colleagues. I blew that presentation. Everyone on my team has such strong technical skills, and I can’t follow the conversation. My kids are going to be so mad at me for working late again. When you beat…

Delegate Like a Boss

It’s frustrating when you try to delegate a project and it doesn’t get done correctly or on time. But it’s not necessarily the other person’s fault — the problem is often in your approach to delegation. You might be either too involved, or not involved enough. If you jump in too early after the handoff, your colleague never has the opportunity to take ownership. On the flip side, you need…

Becoming a More Patient Leader

Leading effectively, especially during a crisis, takes patience. As a manager you need to retain composure in the face of frustration or uncertainty. So, how can you boost this important resource? One way is to recognize when your patience might be tested. If you know a challenge is coming, you can be more mindful about increasing your efforts to stay calm. For example, a good way to manage the pressure…

Help Your Team Embrace Change

Companies are constantly changing. And whether the changes are big or small, leaders need to inspire their employees to embrace what’s new. Here are some ways to do that: Talk about how people feel. Change stirs up lots of emotions (fear, frustration, and anxiety, to name a few). Hold regular meetings for people to express what they’re worried about, and encourage them to be honest. Tell stories. Stories can be…

How Leaders Build Trust

To be effective, leaders need their team’s trust. But how do you get that trust — and how do you get it back if you’ve lost it? Three behaviors are essential. The first is to create positive relationships on your team. There are a number of ways to do this, including: helping employees cooperate, resolving conflicts between others, giving honest feedback, and checking in with people about their concerns. The…

Give New Hires an Onboarding “Buddy”

There’s a lot of information that new hires need, from how to work the coffee maker to what the company’s strategy is. That’s why you should consider assigning your next hire an onboarding “buddy” during their first few months on the job. Having a buddy can help the new person start being productive sooner and feel more satisfied in their role. Choose someone who has been with the company long…

Hold Your Own Networking Event

Attending conferences and scheduling meetups are great ways to network, but they aren’t the only way. An often overlooked approach is organizing a gathering yourself, which lets you be strategic about who you get to know. Think carefully about how many people you’ll invite and who they should be. It’s good to keep the event small, which makes it more intimate. One strategy is to bring people together who have…

3 Questions to Keep You Focused in a New Job

Your first few months in a job have a major impact on whether you succeed. Many people have trouble deciding where to focus their energy early on, so use three questions to guide you. “How will I create value?” Know what is expected of you, by when, and how your progress will be assessed. Consider the interests of all stakeholders (not just your boss), and keep in mind that the…

How Working Parents Can Survive Back-to-School Season

For working parents with school-age children, this time of year is especially chaotic. But it is possible to manage the (often overwhelming) demands of back-to-school activities while still delivering at work. Start by thinking about what’s realistic for you. Even with a flexible job, it’s unlikely that you can make it to every bake sale, library fundraiser, and field trip. To do your fair share, try to do it all…

When Work Gets Really Hectic, Here Are Some Things to Try

When our jobs are at their most hectic, our approach to work can shift from “How do I get everything done?” to “How do I survive this?” To cope with intense times, try a few strategies. One is to reward yourself for finishing a tough task (like writing a report) by completing an easy task (like running an errand). This will help you pace yourself and ensure your brain gets…