“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanksgiving Day shouldn’t be the only day to give thanks. I challenge everyone to continue to give thanks throughout your day and days, and I share the following with you.
Being thankful for what you have is one of the simplest and easiest ways to lift your mood, to give your motivation a jolt, and to live a happier life.
Pause and look around yourself.
A simple first step to being more thankful is to pause during your day and ask yourself these two questions:
- What is 1 thing I am thankful for in my life today?
- Who is 1 person I am thankful to have in my life and why?
But if you can, try to not repeat yourself too often. Instead, think of more people and things to be grateful for to, day by day, expand your thankful view of your world.
Express your thankfulness.
- Don’t stop at just coming up with people for whom you are grateful to have in your life.
- Take a few seconds to tell them about it. This will make their lives happier. And as their faces light up with a smile you’ll feel happier too.
- So be sure to make the small effort to express it.
Be thankful for the things you may take for granted.
The things we get very used to having can become things we take for granted. But they are not things everyone in the world has access to.
- A roof over your head and a warm home.
- Plenty of drinkable water.
- That you don’t have to go hungry.
- Access to the internet so that you can learn and connect with people.
Pay it forward
- Do something nice for someone each day
- It can be a family member, a friend or even a stranger
I’m thankful for my readers each Monday morning!
Make it a great day!