Whether an individual, team, or organization,
increase your value by developing the voice of a leader.

Liz Trocchio Smith

Liz Trocchio Smith
Certified Executive Business Coach
and Trusted Advisor

Monday Morning Coffee

Get “Monday Morning Coffee with Liz”
direct to your in-box every Monday Morning with tips on what it takes to be a great leader

Dear College Graduate

Good morning.  Starting this 3rd Monday in June we are going to try something a little different to enhance your Monday Morning Coffee with Liz experience. You will still receive the same inbox email, but you will also have the ability to listen to MMC as well as view the video.  If how you are receiving MMC works for you, keep doing it, but if you’d like to change it up, we are flexible. Whatever works for you, and thanks for joining me every Monday Morning!

Most young adults have just graduated from college and will, with any luck, be entering the work force.  If you have children, nieces, nephews or friends of those that fall into this category, you may want to pass on some of my advice to them this morning.  Or, if you happen to be a recent graduate entering the workplace, listen up.

  • First, check your attitude at the door.  You are a new graduate and that’s great. But you don’t know more than everyone at your new office because you just walked the walk.  And clean up your Facebook account.  We will check it and pictures of you doing shots at the bar with your buddies are not cool to your new CEO.
  • Pattern your behavior after people who are successful. Watch how they dress, walk, talk, etc. Now, I know a fair amount of you are going to say we’re drones and you don’t want to be a corporate shill. Business needs to adapt to you, yada yada. Don’t go into business then. It’s when you say things like, “well, business is going to have to adapt to ME” that the entitled thing rears its ugly little head. Do you think we, the generation who rocked out to Bruce Springsteen, really wanted to wear suits and not say, “ya know” and “like” when we talked at work? Of course not. We hated it too. I’m sure the generation before us and the generation before that felt the same way.
  • Work your butt off and always try to go the extra mile. Just doing what you’re asked? Seriously?  Well, that’s not going to cut it. If your boss asks you to gather up numbers on something (heck, no matter who the request came from), go a little further. Anticipate WHY they are asking. Present it in a chart as well.  Then ask what else you can you do, no really.
  • Learning doesn’t stop with that degree nor does that degree entitle you to anything. Now it’s time to apply that knowledge. The best employees constantly read, learn and grow. I know you’re tired. You just spent your entire life in school. That was to teach you how to learn. Now, it’s up to you to continue what you started. Read trade magazines. (Digital is fine). Listen to what us old farts have to say on LinkedIn. Take skills classes. Google stuff. Be thirsty with your mind. Ask questions at work. Make your bosses sick of you asking, “why.”  Network every chance you can.
  • Keep your chin up, you have a lot to offer. As a woman in business, I’ve had to work harder to disprove stereotypes. You’re going to have to too. The best way to prove you’re not entitled? Don’t mention it. Show it in your actions and attitude. No one knew what BabyBoomers, Gen X’s. Gen Y’s and Gen Z’s gift to the workplace would be, but we found it. What was called being a Slacker – which we took as a slam – was actually a good thing. We wanted to put in less effort and get more output. We streamlined all sorts of business processes during our tenure. That entitled thing you’re getting? Who knows what that will turn into, but I bet it’s going to be good.
  •  You don’t like being labeled, right? Guess what? We old folks don’t either. We’ve been in business for 25+ years now and we actually know a thing or two. Listen to us. Most of us are insanely thrilled when we’re able to impart some knowledge on someone eager to learn. It’s not out of selfishness or ego either. We really and truly want to get you further down the road than we were at your age.  So use us.

Go forth and kick some butt. I can’t wait to see what you will all do to shake up the workplace in a positive way.  You may just teach us a thing or two; we never stop learning either.

Make it a great day!