Whether an individual, team, or organization,
increase your value by developing the voice of a leader.

Liz Trocchio Smith

Liz Trocchio Smith
Certified Executive Business Coach
and Trusted Advisor

Monday Morning Coffee

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Talk to Yourself With Compassion

Are you your own worst critic? Welcome to the club. When we feel anxious or frustrated, so many of us talk to ourselves more harshly than we’d ever talk to our friends or colleagues. I blew that presentation. Everyone on my team has such strong technical skills, and I can’t follow the conversation. My kids are going to be so mad at me for working late again. When you beat yourself up like this, you’re only limiting your potential. Practice compassionate self-talk instead. Here are four key elements to keep in mind:

  • Use a tone of kindness in your inner monologue. When you’re being mean to yourself, ask, “Would I speak to my best friend this way?”
  • Recognize that pain and failure are universal human experiences. You’re not alone in feeling this way.
  • Take a balanced approach to your negative emotions that neither suppresses or exaggerates them. Acknowledge them for what they are.
  • Know that you’re making the best decisions you can, even if they’re not perfect.

Talking to yourself with compassion will give you the grace to manage the challenging situations that you’ll inevitably face in your personal and professional lives.

Make it a great day!